Book a bison experience!

Grab the family and make memories in Thompson Falls, MT.

NOW BOOKING for Spring and Summer 2024! WED, THURS, FRI & SAT. We’ll drive you through our bison herd making stops along the way to feed the bison and share how they are an essential part of our regenerative ranching practices.

  • $25 per adult

  • Kids 17 and under are free

Your tour will last about an hour. Room for 8 people in the back of the truck (protected by livestock rack) and 4 in the cab.

  • Take tons of pictures.

  • Make a lifetime memory.

  • Ask questions and learn about bison.

Tours are by appointment and weather permitting.

How to work the booking tool: Choose adult or <18 and choose cab or back of truck, then click book. Choose the number of people in that category. Available dates and times will show with the number of slots left during each tour time. There are 8 spots in the back of the truck and 4 in the cab. This is adjustable for large parties.

Click on the dates to see different options. Click on the time of your choice to book.

To book another age group or area of the truck, please repeat the process.

Please contact us if you have any questions!

Large bison head with people on the Harlow Ranch Bison Tour

SEASON PASS HOLDER? Use the coupon code you got when you bought your pass or contact us to book your tour.

Want 10 tours for the price of 8? Get your season pass here.

Group of people in the back of a truck on the Harlow Ranch Bison Tour
Mom and baby bison on green pasture at the Harlow Ranch Bison Co.